
I’m a big fan of Rodrigo y Gabriela. On September 6, I saw them in Eugene, OR. I wished to meet them in California for an autograph and to express my love for their music before or after the San Luis Obispo show on September 17, 2024, which I planned to attend.

My wish came true. At the end of San Luis Obispo’s show, they exited the venue’s stage door and autographed my ticket. Gabriela signed first with a heartfelt appreciation of my attendance and beckoned Rodrigo. He stepped over gracefully and signed, too. Their signing an autograph felt like a sincere endeavor, much like their music, with their vibe of all things good washing over me. I could only smile in those few moments.

Shortly thereafter came the Portland, OR show, held on September 26. It was my third show in September. Gabriela gave me a big wow when she recognized me in the audience. It was the first of three wows in the Portland show. Some people nearby said, “She knows you!” and patted me on the back. I let those within earshot know I had met them both after the recent San Luis Obispo, CA. Show.

In Portland, like San Luis Obispo, Rodrigo y Gabriela came into the audience to play a couple of songs near the show’s end. I had bought a non-seated general admission ticket. The intensity was powerful. Everyone, myself included, was close to them. After a few minutes of roaming the audience and letting it fly like they do, Gabriela turned inches away from me and let me have it for 3-4 intense minutes before stepping to her left away.

It was a powerful gift.
