

My aunts, Isabelle and Elizabeth, achieved World War II hero status. Sadly, I never knew either of them or had the opportunity to speak to either one. I only knew of them through their heroic exploits. Both were nurses who served on the front lines. Elizabeth, the younger of the two, served in Anzio, Italy, about a mile to a mile and a half off the front lines working in canvas tents, doing her due diligence while the Germans bombed consistently. She was a second Lieutenant. She suffered injuries in the line of duty and left the service with a duty disability.

Isabelle was a highly decorated nurse (Lt. Colonel) serving in three wars: World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. I thought as a young boy she was going to be the first woman General.

Nurses have never received the honors they deserve, especially wartime nurses.  I needed to honor my aunts. In 2019, I headed to San Antonio to Sam Houston Memorial Cemetery (a military graveyard), where they’re both buried.

It was there I got the opportunity to honor them. I laid on each grave with my hand pressed on their headstone. My body trembled as I lay.

It was my 2019 highlight.


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